domingo, 11 de mayo de 2008

Capitulo 1:"De que va la Etica".

I think most of us had a rude awakening when we read some lines of this chapter.One of them that make me feel close to this lines was:"como no somos libres no podemos tener la culpa de nada de lo que nos ocurra".What Savater try to say to Amador is that some people think that we are not free really, so they are not responsible for their actions.
When we were at school, we started thinking critically, it means that we learnt that there are differents vision of the reallity,differents ideas and that we 've born in a society, so when we grew up our ideas are partly influenced by this society.
Ithink we confused the idea that our teacher want us to learn.For example I had the idea that our thoughts and decisions are totally influenced by the society and our cultural background and therefore I thought no matter what I do , no matter what I feel ,all my actions were a product of my surroundings.
So, the word "FREEDOM" doesn't take place in my life according to this thougth.But fortunately, during this process of learning I 've found the real idea of all what my teacher try to explain to us,as Savater try to explain to Amador.Now I can see that,of course we need to know our cultural background,different ideas,different points of view,but it doesn't mean we need to follow them or copy them.They are very important because they contribute to our decisions, these differents views, ideas help us to construct our own knowledge an dthen we are FREE to choose what way to follow, what kind of decisions we want to take.But instead of thinking about our bad luck,we can decide what can we do to fight against this bad luck! this mean to be FREE.

5 comentarios:

Adri Ambrosio dijo...

Hi Mari!
I agree with you. We are free to make choices and decide what to do with our lives and at the same time we are responsible for our actions. Whay is it thet makes us act in one way and not in other? I think it's true that we are influenced by our environment too, that's why we must reflect on what we do and sometimes think twice before acting.

Gladys Baya dijo...

I think there certainly lies a lesson worth learning there, Marucha: there are things that just happen to us and we have no responsibility for (e.g. volcano ashes cover our town and we end up homeless and broke), things that happen to us because of previous choices, which I believe we're responsible for -though there's no point in wondering "why"- (e.g we are hurt in a car crash 'coz we weren't wearing our seat belt) and things we are 100% responsible for (our conscious choices). The trick lies in realising the difference and working so that our ethics becomes more coherent and more and more of our actions become human acts... This gives us more freedom, and more responsibility in turn!

Now, how do you relate all this to your job as a teacher? Or your role as student?


Marucha dijo...

As student, we need to know that we decided to be teachers,so now we are responsible for our actions and we need to add that we are becoming critical thinkers so we can help our future students to decide their own way.

Marucha dijo...

As teacher we show our student our reality and othrs, but we try to teach to construct their own reality too.And tell us that they are part of social reality.
second Bye!

Gladys Baya dijo...

I really second your idea that school must teach students about other realities beyond theirs (and not just the teacher's reality either, let me emphasise that!)

All the best,