As we know,Pepe Grillo is a good example of a good conscience. He can tell us when our cactions are correct or not.Responsability as Savater says is to know that each of my acttions are building myself,they re defining me and creating me.This phrase is wonderful, it shows as another example of Freedom. As teacher we should try to show our students by giving them the example.
5 comentarios:
I totally agree with you!
And making the right choices is not easy! We have to criticaly analize what we do or what we are about to do if we want to live a good life. Sometimes it is better to think twice rather than to rush to make decisions and suffer the consequences later. We always learn from our experiences and I really hope we can learn to make the right choices in our lives!
I agree with you Adri!It is so difficult!Another point:after taking the decision we have to be sure if what we are going to do has to do with what we really want; and then, finally, we will have to develop what Savater calls "good moral taste" in order to be able to reject anything bad (such as telling a lie) almost automatically.
Kisses,and thank you very much Adri for your comments!
Who were "Jeremy Crickets" during our childhood, Marucha? And what happens to them as we grow up?
Do you miss your "Jeremy Cricket"? Why (not)?
Tell me, please!
I think my parents were Jeremy Cricket during our childhood. but now Jeremy Cricket appears... when our conscience tells us that we have done something wrong, when our freedom makes us feel guilty simple because if we weren't free we wouldn't be able to feel remorse and guilty... that's why when we know we have done something wrong or shameful we tend to excuse ourselves by saying that we have done it because there wasn't any way out, because it hasn't been our decision... All that we have to do is to be honest with ourselves and with the other.
I definitely agree, Marucha, though "all we have to do" is no picnic, is it? The question remains: why is it certain people seem not to have internalised their "Jeremy Crickets" and stop making moral decisions the moment no one is around keeping an eye on them? As educators, how can we contribute to improving this state of affairs?
Big questions, small answers, I'm afraid!
Big hug,
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