I totally agree with Savater, the answer is as simple as¨ happiness¨. Anyway as simple as it might seem, it is one of the most difficult things to experience and keep. For not anyone learns to find simple happiness in simple things.A first step would be to reflect upon what we have. Then we can start making choices, and finally learn to love what we have.
Another word that I would like to discussed is the word PLEASURE.There is nothing bad in doing something for pleasure... the only problem or the only reason why we tend to reject anything that gives us pleasure is because of what Savater calls the oldest fear of the human being: Our Fear of Pleasure...the fact is that we don't have to be afraid of it but to be aware that as well as it happens with everything else we have to be very careful in order to avoid going into extremes. Most people are not "afraid of pleasure" in itself.I think what frightens many of us is the price we might have to pay for it. As if we had learned to believe that we don't have a right to enjoy life.
Act 2, Scenes 6 and 7
Hace 16 años
3 comentarios:
Interesting observation, Marucha! Early today I was reading an interview to Aldo Naouri (a contemporary philosopher), in which he stated in the last decades we've been raising children to accept only getting involved in things for pleasure, and reject any duties or impositions... Perhaps human ethics has been swinging from one end of the pendulum to the other?
I agree with you: we must learn to strike a balance between duties and our right to pleasure.
Carpe diem!
Gladys as teacher you must noticed that sevral problem at school have to do with this absence of balance, but as a teacher to be I'm afraid I can see the way to find this balance.
You think me too smart, I'm afraid, Marucha, if you believe I can suggest a solution to this problem!
Today, however, I read an encouraging quote by J. Guitton, cited by Ma. Dolores Aleixandre (a theologist working in Spain):
"desde el origen de la vida en este planeta, todo lo que ha sido llamado a crecer (...) ha salido de un pequeño resto".
I'll repeat this to myself when I face ethical challenges in future!
Big hug,
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