lunes, 23 de junio de 2008

Chapter five: Wake up baby!

Today I want to share one idea that calls my attetion but is not savater's word.It is an abstract taken from "Emilio" by Jacques Rousseau.
I think that this idea summerizes our own goal in life.We need other people to feed our soul.Most of the time there is one insufficient of something in our life.And If we don't have it we are not alive! that's life!
We share knowledge because other s don't know have our own experiences and others teach us what we don't know.We help other people because they need to be rescued and when we do that we finally feel that we reach one of our goals.
I want to add one word so I can talk about Savater.This word is "reciprocity".It means that you will get the same respect that you gave.Ithink to treat other people like what they are:people, is important to start thinking about how we want to be treated and trying to put in practice in daily life,for example at work or with our students.But be careful, not everyone understand respectful in the same way.Teachers have to make sure what is disrespectful for our students.

Chapter four:"DATE LA BUENA VIDA."

Everyday we try to live life fully, but I not sure about this.Sometimes we think or we consider some things important for the time being, for example materal things.We spend life trying to be a successful person or working in order to have money.But we forget the idea of sharing,we have to live slowly and think about the importance of being ourself.And as teachers we should forget that teacher is just a "job"and we have to start thinking that we need to guide our students so we can enjoy our "job."we need to find out our students' needs! that's all!